A light saber cake topper you can make yourself. Lit with LEDs. No electrical wiring needed! Made with fondant and a variety of unexpected simple items. Part easy fondant work and part arts and crafts
Disney's Frozen or a winter woodland cake. Topped with evergreen trees, mountains, waterfall made with piping gel and Elsa's ice castle. It requires no specialized cake decorating skills. Change the frosting colors to make summer themes like hiking, bicycling, or hunting. Things you need and related videos are listed below.
In honor of my dad who passed away a few years ago. How to make a cute and easy arctic themed hot tub cake. I made fondant polar bears and penguins for this adorable cake.
A great project for beginning fondant users. I'll show you how to make decorations to turn it into a home for gnomes, faeries, elves or Peter Rabbit. Complete with, door, toadstools, ladybugs, moss and more. Everything is edible except the gnomes.
Find out to bake a chocolate cake with zero baking skills! Despite having a basic recipe, no weighing scales and forgetting half the ingredients this chocolate cake turns out pretty well. What could be a chocolate cake fail turns into a baking success.
Perhaps given the fact that a majority (73%) of the US population is now obese, we should think about ways to shrink ourselves. Think if everyone was shrunk down to a quarter of their normal size how much longer all the resources would last. Well, before we have the technology to do that, Artist Stéphanie Kilgast has spent the last 24 years miniaturizing food.
Taste of Beirut is one of my new favorite food blogs. Joumana grew up in Beirut during the sixties and seventies and her blog is a tribute to her national food. I saw this recipe for arak-spiked chocolate cake and thought it looked delicious!
CAKES! CAKES! CAKES! needs a new top admin to take over. Build upon the existing site and community: compile awesome recipes, tutorials and images to share with all fellow cake lovers. If you have something to share and are interested in connecting with other cake decorators, CAKES! CAKES! CAKES! is currently up for grabs to use as a launching platform.
Up for auction at Heritage, JFK's crusty old birthday cake, presented to him at his 45th birthday party in Madison Square Garden back in 1962. Marilyn Monroe performed her legendary "Happy Birthday, Mr. President" at this very event.
Etsy seller TangBaby has faux happy birthday cake postcards for sale. Each postcard is made to order and has that deliciously satisfying plastic toy food texture (and smell, I'm hoping).
I had the immense pleasure of eating Japanese cheesecake in Little Tokyo recently. It is soft, moist... essentially perfect. Here's a round-up of recipes I'd like to try, if anybody has any favorites, please add to the list!
I searched the world over trying to find Lego cakes that I liked. I pulled pieces from all over the internet to get my ideas together. My son has already informed me he wants a Lego Indiana Jones cake for next year! Anyone else have a Lego cake they'd like to share?